Making dreams happen


“Mukisa” is a name of African origin that means “being a blessing” or “having good fortune.” Mukisa Julius, who purchased his first home with the help of MHP’s MassDREAMS program and other funders, says that if his parents gave him the name hoping its meaning would become evident in his life, their wish has been fulfilled.

MassDREAMS recipient Mukisa Julius

Wanting to leave his home country, Uganda, for a safer environment, educational opportunities and employment, the divorced father got the idea to apply for the Diversity Visa lottery to come to the United States from a friend who applied. She went through the process several times but was not chosen. Mukisa was selected on the first try. This paved the way for him to apply for an immigrant visa. It was granted. In 2020 he came to the U.S. and moved with his children to Lawrence, to a two-bedroom apartment on the top floor of a three-story building. He works two jobs, as a developmental services worker at a group home and at an independent living center driving patients to their appointments. He is also at Lowell Technological Institute studying to become a Licensed Practical Nurse.

Mukisa viewed the apartment as a temporary stop on his way to purchasing a home. He describes the two-bedroom apartment as cramped. He slept on the floor so his son and daughter—now 15 and 13 respectively—would each have privacy. If other renters in the building took showers before his family, the water was often cold. It was a challenge for him to get to the laundromat, get the children to school on time, and get to his jobs and school.

He began building his credit, working two jobs and also driving for Uber when he could. He signed up for a first-time homebuyer education workshop through the Merrimack Valley Housing Partnership.

After trying several times unsuccessfully to purchase an affordable home in Lawrence, he entered an affordable housing lottery for a home in Salisbury.

“They sent me an email that said, ‘you won the house in Salisbury,’” he said. “We were all very excited. I said, ‘guys, we won the house! We won the house! We own it. I kept asking myself, am I Mukisa or am I someone else?’” The 1,400 square foot home, built in 2023, has three bedrooms, a sitting room, full bathroom, and a guest bathroom. He’s purchased a washing machine and can now do his laundry from home. He has plans to purchase a dryer.

“Thank you MHP, for the money you gave me for the down payment.  I appreciate it for sure.”

When asked his favorite part of his new home, he responded that having the home itself is the best part.

“This makes me proud. I don’t have to pay a landlord. I pay a mortgage. Maybe that’s why my parents gave me the name Mukisa. Mukisa means blessing. I was blessed with the house.”

MHP's Director of Homeownership Elliot Schmiedl speaks to the success of the MassDREAMS program.


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