Message from MHP Leadership


MHP's Executive Director Clark Ziegler

The housing crisis in Massachusetts is nothing new. Resistance to new housing construction and barriers to innovation have been in the making for decades. Without adequate housing production, home prices and rents have risen much faster than wages and driven our Commonwealth nearly to the breaking point. 

What is new in Massachusetts is that we’re finally confronting the housing crisis — and its root causes — head on.

Under the leadership of Governor Healey, Lt. Governor Driscoll, and Housing Secretary Augustus and with strong support from the state legislature we’ve seen:

  • dramatic increases in state investment in new housing

  • launch of the first-ever statewide housing plan

  • adoption and implementation of new zoning laws that are creating potential for tens of thousands of new homes

  • a comprehensive attack on state and local policies that impede housing production and drive up housing costs

  • rapid integration of climate-friendly technology into our new and existing housing stock

  • major advances on racial equity in our housing development and mortgage financing programs

  • an increasingly diverse group of leaders and advocates calling for a response to the housing crisis that meets the moment

As you’ll see throughout this online annual report, MHP has been front and center with all of these initiatives. For the first time in a long time, a better future with adequate housing supply and reasonable housing costs feels within reach. In the meantime, MHP is taking steps every day to help the thousands of individuals and families who are currently priced out of the housing market.

MHP’s unique partnership with the state’s banking industry has delivered $6.5 billion in below-market bank financing for affordable housing. Our lending team is a statewide leader on affordable rental housing and has financed the development and preservation of 31,500 apartments throughout the Commonwealth. Our ONE Mortgage program has financed 25,200 home purchases by low- and moderate-income first-time home buyers

All of MHP’s housing finance programs have a strong public purpose and reflect the state’s high-level housing priorities: building new housing that’s climate friendly, prioritizing new development in walkable, transit-oriented locations and expanding homeownership opportunities for those who have historically been excluded.    

Beyond financing, MHP plays a critical role in shaping state housing policy and engaging communities to increase housing production. Subsidies alone cannot fill our housing gap and every new home that gets produced moves us closer to our vision of a Commonwealth that is open to all. I serve on the Governor’s Commission on Unlocking Housing Production and have focused special attention on state planning, smarter environmental regulation and further zoning reform with strong support from MHP’s policy team. Our housing data team built award-winning online tools that are helping cities and towns plan for housing growth, envision more inclusive communities, and comply with the MBTA Communities zoning law. Our community assistance team has helped cities and towns develop nearly five thousand affordable homes on donated public land and reached nearly every city and town in the Commonwealth with training, technical assistance or staff support.

Every action MHP takes — whether it’s a loan, grant, professional assistance, or development of a state or local policy — has the ultimate goal of expanding housing opportunities for Massachusetts residents. Housing is one of the smartest investments we can make to promote economic growth, quality of life, and financial stability for everyone in the Commonwealth.

All of us at MHP are energized about the recent progress that’s been made and the strong public and private leadership on housing that has emerged over the past few years. We are also clear-headed about the depth of the housing challenges that remain for the Commonwealth. The MHP board and staff looks forward to continuing that critically important work with you next year and over the years to come.

Clark L. Ziegler

Executive Director


Building momentum